Thursday 22 July 2010

Some 'Random' Thoughts on Happiness

Hello All.

Today as my title suggests, I wish for us to simply share some 'random' thoughts on Happiness. Before continuing, however, let me say that I'm not suggesting in anyway or form that Happiness is something that generally occurs 'randomly'.

On the contrary, as I have stated previously, in many cases we actually have to make a conscious effort to achieve Happiness in our lives. We have to possess what I've described as the 'Will to Happiness' and this means that we must completely believe that we deserve Happiness and can achieve Happiness. We must Will It to have It.

The only 'random' thing that comes to mind here - is 'Luck'. Yes, luck can at times play a crucial role in our lives. A chance meeting in an elevator, a meeting of eyes over a bar, sharing adjoining seats on an airplane, train or bus - can all generate events in our lives that are life-changing which in some instances result in achieving lasting Happiness.

Even Napoleon - who is one of the Greatest and most brilliant Generals in History, placed great emphasis on Luck. 'Bring me Lucky Generals' - he would yell at his senior staff and advisors. He did not always wish for lengthy CV's showing martial prowess or tactical brilliance in choosing Generals to command his armies. No, he wanted Lucky men, Lucky leaders, Lucky fighters because he understood the unique importance of Luck in this world. (Mind you our Happiness Blog is generally for Peace not War. The choice of a Historical Giant of War such as Napoleon is merely used to emphasise a point. Thanks for understanding!)

In our quest for Happiness - my question regarding Luck is this - But why sit back and simply wait to get Lucky? Why not create your own Luck? Why not assist fate in shaping your destiny? Why not give destiny a helping hand in fashioning for us a fate that will lead to Happiness? Is that not what most Religions, Sages and Guru's teach? Who has not heard the phrase' Heaven helps those who help themselves'?

As I said before WE HAVE TO TRY! We have to help ourselves. In believing that Happiness is our Heritage we must have the Hope of Happiness.

We must have Hope. Hope is the surest first step in translating what we desire into reality. I maintain, for example, that a person who has Hope cannot be depressed. Depression is the absence of Hope. And the absence of hope means a bleak and blurred future which leads us back to our starting point of depression. Now who needs that in their lives? Certainly not us!

Thus Hope means that we cannot and will not dwell obsessively on the negatives in our lives. We cannot and must not tarry nor abide in the self-defeating, self-demeaning world of negatives. We can only abide, generate and transmit positivity to thwart negativity all over!

But first we must seek to defeat our own demons of negativity that seek to nestle in our bosoms. In many cases they have already found homes in our hearts and in our minds.

However, though we did not consciously invite them in - we shall nonetheless consciously drive them out. Henceforth we shall exorcise these demons of negativity from our souls, banish them and end them!

In Hope we must believe that we shall neither bend nor break in the face the negatives we are sometimes forced to confront in our lives. We shall scale the highest mountains and surmount every obstacle in our bid to achieve lasting Happiness. We shall seek unerringly and indefatigably our birthright of Happiness and we shall not fail.

Today, permit me to leave you with this:

Despite whatever unhappiness we face in our lives today we have to make the conscious effort to believe that we can turn it around for the better. Put simply - WE MUST HAVE HOPE! If we don't have Hope already - then we have to consciously create it! We must have Hope that - Things will not fall apart and the centre will hold! And this is because we are resilient beings and have within us the profound power and ability to seek and find Happiness.

Let us never forget that every passing minute is yet another opportunity for us to turn it all around and chart a new course in our lives toward our Destiny of Happiness.

I wish us all Happiness.


I shall soon return.

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